3 easy ways to cool your home efficiently

January 07, 2024

It looks like we’re finally getting into summer so here are three easy and climate-friendly ways to stay chill when the temperatures rise.


Keep out the sun by shutting curtains and blinds. Open doors and windows in different rooms to move air through your home. Fit security latches to leave windows open while you’re out.


Plant deciduous trees to shade your house in summer. They’ll let sun through when they lose their leaves in winter. Install external window shades – such as blinds, awnings or louvres. Eaves or roof overhangs above north-facing windows block summer sun.


Table-top, floor and ceiling fans use a lot less energy than air conditioning. If you have a heat pump, try the fan-only setting with your windows open.

Whether you’re choosing a heating system or a combined heating/cooling solution, our expert team can help you find the right option for your home, lifestyle and budget. (source: genless.govt.nz)

And don’t forget that having a well insulated home also helps to keep you cool over summer.

How does insulation keep your house cool in summer?

In winter, insulation keeps the cold air out and warm air in. It works to keep the warm air inside the house for longer and not escape through un-insulated walls, floors and ceilings. In an uninsulated house, the transfer of heat occurs more frequently. This means heat from inside the house spaces easily, and cold air is more likely to enter.

However, the opposite applies in summer. Cool air inside the house escapes, and warm air during a hot day enters the house. This makes it difficult to regulate a consistently cool temperature.

Insulation works to reduce transfer of air between inside the home, and outside air. Doing this means cool air stays inside the house longer, and hot outside air is kept out. On a hot day, your home can gain up to 35% of the internal heat through the ceiling if it is uninsulated. (source: cea.co.nz)

Get in touch with the G-Force customer service team and get a free insulation quote. Call 0508 088 888 or email: sales@gforce.co.nz

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At G-Force Healthy Home Solutions we’re all about making homes warmer, drier and more energy efficient for Kiwi families.

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